Wednesday was a busy day. We woke up as regular, had breakfast( we ordered what we wanted the night before!) and then jumped up the bus to continue the work.
We reached the community and Doctor Gomez opened up with a little message and prayer time. Then we started working and it actually was a busy day. More people came, including more kids! Apparently the word passed around that we were in town and many people showed up.
During lunch time everybody started preparing sandwichs as the previous day, but then a surprised arrived: the local people brought us some delicious noodles and chicken. After lunch we played a little bit outside enjoying a very nice weather.
The afternoon was pretty busy as well. Lots of kids came after school and you know kids, after playing for 3 hours non-stop, the still wanted to play. Both the medial teams and the ones playing with kids had a tiring day. We went back to the hotel and we had pizza for dinner.
After dinner everybody went to refresh at their rooms and later the madness began. Everything was smooth and calm, people playing cards, checking facebook, playing table games, but after a while we discover something that will change the course of the following nights: Mafia.
If you don't know this game, please check it out
The first rounds were interesting. We started to know the character of people when playing and a curious fact happened, 3 out of the 4 times that we played, Ana was Mafia, that is an incredible probability of 3.85%. After a couple of 'be quiet' warnings, we went to sleep waiting for another work and Mafia day to come.
We, misteriously discovered something called Mafia. I don't know how it happened. It wasn't me! I swear! haha.